Room on the broom

For the past years the students from 6º have been dramatizing different stories to tell them in Primary. This year, they have adapted the book by Julia Donaldson «Room on the broom».

Have a look at the masks of the dragon and the bird, but also the dog, the frog and the cat or the scary witch…. Some of them are really incredible!

And thanks to the families for all their help with the costumes!

Como xa vén sendo tradición, este ano os nenos e nenas de 6º adaptaron para a súa representación teatral o conto de Julia Donaldson “Room on the broom”e actuaron para os seus compañeiros da Primaria.

Fixádevos nas máscaras e complementos do dragón e o paxaro, pero tamén do can, a ra e o gato ou as terroríficas bruxas…algúns son realmente incribles. Moitas grazas familias por axudarnos desde casa cos disfraces!